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Challenging Oklahoma Blood Test Results in Court

Challenging Oklahoma Blood Test Results in Court

If you had your blood tested after a DUI traffic stop in Oklahoma, you may be wondering how to challenge the blood test results in court. Generally, blood tests have fewer calibration and procedural problems than breath tests, but there are still defense strategies to explore. In Oklahoma, the blood test must be administered in accordance with the testing laws, including 47 O.S. § 752. Only an authorized person, such as a doctor, nurse, physician’s assistant, or other employee approved by the hospital can draw your blood. This person must receive a written order authorizing blood withdrawal. For example, a law...

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Key Oklahoma Court Decision Calls Breathalyzer Results into Question

Key Oklahoma Court Decision Calls Breathalyzer Results into Question

After the Oklahoma Civil Court of Appeals called into question whether pieces of a breathalyzer device used on a DUI defendant were properly approved, thousands of other breath tests could be questioned. The decision became final when in mid-2016, the Oklahoma Supreme Court refused to hear the case. However, the full impact of the court’s findings in Sample v. State, 2016 OK CIV APP 62 has yet to be assessed. In brief, the defendant challenged the procedure used to approve use of two pieces of the breathalyzer. The device used was the Intoxilyzer 8000. Instead of being approved by the State...

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